Why Teachers Should Stay in Education...But Not Necessarily The Classroom

A graphic with words about why teachers leaving the profession should stay in education

I often hear people ask, “What will happen to schools with so many teachers leaving the profession?” While that’s a fair question, I think we should also be asking, “What will happen to schools if all the teachers stay?” 

Being a classroom teacher is incredibly exhausting and can lead to crippling burnout. When we expect teachers to stay in these circumstances without any agency or voice to change their situations, it’s no wonder so many teachers are ready to leave

But teachers leaving the classroom don’t have to be looked down upon! Classroom teachers learn valuable skills and deserve a clear way to progress in their careers. When we empower teachers to use their experience to make a difference in education, this doesn’t have to mean staying in the classroom. 

Keep reading to explore the reasons teachers are leaving the field and what they can do instead.

Why Are So Many Teachers Leaving the Profession?

The idea that teachers have limited career pathways (do we really need to spend 30+ years in the same classroom?) can contribute to feeling crushing burnout and is part of why there are so many teachers leaving the profession in the first place!

When this burnout happens, many amazing teachers leave the field of education. And who can blame them? Other fields offer more compensation, more flexibility, and more respect. 

But if our goal is to create an education system that truly works for teachers and students, we need to retain teachers in the field of education (not just in the classroom!).

So let’s imagine a new way. What if teachers were empowered to make the changes they know need to happen in the world of education? 

When we empower teachers leaving the profession to find flexible jobs, they are able to move out of the classroom but still stay in education. And they can work to create the changes they want to see in the field. 

If you’re considering jobs for teachers leaving the classroom, then keep reading to explore some of your options for flexible work that still has an impact.

Jobs for Teachers Leaving the Profession

There are so many opportunities for freelance jobs in education, remote work and even starting your own business. Here are just a few jobs for teachers other than teaching:

Instructional— and Beyond— Coaching 

When teachers move out of the classroom to work as instructional coaches, they can provide support to those in the classroom. This support can be invaluable and often encompasses way more than just guidance on instruction. Coaches provide emotional support and a listening ear for those who are struggling in the classroom. Having teachers who have gone through similar struggles is an incredible resource. 

Curriculum Development 

As teachers, we’ve likely had experience with a wide variety of instructional materials. Learning what really works in the classroom is an important skill that can be applied to curriculum development. When teachers, who have been in actual classrooms teaching actual kids, create curriculum, they develop instructional materials that are helpful, innovative, and creative. 


Classroom teachers do their best to advocate for their students but often have limited energy and resources. When teachers work beyond the classroom, they get to see the big picture and have more capacity to enact change. Teachers leaving the profession get to become some of the biggest advocates for students and teachers in the classroom. We get to speak up for and lead instructional and structural changes, provide the support we know teachers need, and come up with innovative solutions to the myriad of problems facing education. 

Education Consulting 

As a teacher, you’ve built up an impressive array of skills. These are skills that not everyone has! Use what you’ve learned to help make the best products, services, and resources for students. Working as an education consultant can be a great way to share about the pedagogies and approaches that you’ve seen to be effective in the classroom. 

More Support for Teachers Leaving the Field

If you’re feeling burnt out and like you just want to leave education, I hear you. But what if you don’t leave the field entirely? What if you can create the change you want to see in the education system and help to heal a flawed system, while still building a flexible and rewarding professional life? 

If you’re ready to take your next step and join many other teachers leaving the profession to find work beyond the classroom, we’re here to support you! 

Our Beyond the Classroom course will give you the clarity and support you need to take the next step in your career. We can’t wait to support you as you build a flexible, sustainable, and impactful professional life.