How to Get in the Right Mindset for Success Outside the Classroom

A woman jumping and holding balloons in front of a sunset

Getting the career and life you desire starts with your mindset and energy. As teachers, we hear a lot about growth mindset. But most of what we hear is about teaching mindset in the classroom. If you’re thinking about leaving the classroom, however, getting in a mindset for success is just as critical.

In your journey beyond the classroom, you might aspire to be an educational consultant, curriculum developer, instructional coach, education writer or education business owner (just to name some possibilities!). No matter your goal, mindset is everything. 

Your goals and dreams hinge on having the right outlook and mindset. As Helen Keller wisely said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” To become the best version of ourselves and turn our dreams into reality, cultivating a healthy mindset is essential.

Perfection is not the goal, nor is it possible. As you explore alternative careers for teachers, you'll encounter obstacles and challenges that will test you. In these moments, it’s essential to try to make positive shifts and remember the power of choice. In challenging moments, it’s really about how quickly you can return to the right mindset.

How Does Mindset Affect Success?

In the classroom, educators often encourage students to embrace challenges as opportunities to learn. The same principle applies to your journey beyond the classroom. 

This mindset transforms obstacles into learning experiences rather than insurmountable barriers. As a freelancer or education business owner, you will inevitably encounter situations that push you out of your comfort zone—whether it’s learning new technology, pitching to potential clients, or managing fluctuating income. Viewing these challenges as opportunities to grow will not only build your skills but also bolster your confidence.

This week’s blog explores the Educator Forever team’s favorite strategies for cultivating a positive and success-oriented mindset, from everyday practices to long-term approaches.

As you navigate your journey as an educator beyond the classroom, these strategies can provide you with the encouragement and momentum you need.

7 Ways to Cultivate a Mindset of Success as a Teacher

1. Start Your Day Right

How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Start your morning with a consistent, intentional routine you love, ideally one that helps your physical, emotional, and mental state. By doing the same steps each morning, you’ll stay relaxed, positive, and grounded even if unexpected things pop up in your day. It also makes you mindful of your progress and growth.

This kind of routine can help you whether you’re working on your teacher mindset in the classroom or you’ve already started your journey toward other jobs for teachers.

Consider starting every day with your own version of a Miracle Morning ritual, which is a two-phase approach. Here’s an example:

Phase One could involve waking up early, making a cup of coffee, and sitting down to meditate, breathe, or read something inspiring (affirmations, inspirational quotes, etc.). You might take a walk (or do some form of exercise) and then enjoy a nice breakfast. 

Phase Two could involve settling into your workspace and then following the same steps each day, such as:

  • Recording what you’re grateful for on a gratitude list or in a gratitude journal.

  • Repeating your daily affirmations, do a visualization for the day, and/or review your vision board.

  • Checking your calendar and/or daily task list to know what meetings, projects, events, etc. are coming up.

  • Beginning critical tasks, perhaps saving email for last to avoid it overtaking your other priorities.

A consistent morning routine can transform your day and give you more clarity, motivation, and energy.

2. Align Your Workflow with Your Energy Levels

Shaping your daily workflow around your energy levels is a total game-changer. Feeling empowered to work in a way that aligns with your energy needs is crucial for maintaining productivity and a positive mindset.

Tips for working around your energy levels:

  • Identify when you are most creative, focused, and in the flow. For instance, it might be early in the morning. This is your prime time for tackling challenging tasks, so schedule your most challenging tasks during these peak energy times to maximize productivity.

  • Avoid doing demanding tasks when your energy is low (or during your non-peak energy times) to prevent feeling forced and unproductive. So as your energy wanes, it’s wise to schedule less intense tasks.

By syncing your workflow with your natural energy rhythms, you can achieve more without feeling drained, which can help cultivate a mindset for success.

3. Look for Mindful Moments Throughout the Day

In the middle of a busy day, it's easy to feel sidetracked or scattered. Try looking for mindful moments. 

Whether you’re taking a break, driving, or eating lunch, pay attention to what you’re taking in during this time and try to be present. Avoid mindless scrolling. 

Instead, breathe, acknowledge something you appreciate in the present moment, or listen to uplifting podcasts or music. By being intentional, you can more easily maintain a positive and focused mindset.

4. Use a Planning Tool to Prioritize for Peace of Mind 

Juggling multiple commitments? Whether you’re contracting for a variety of companies or taking on side hustles while teaching full-time, it’s critical to prioritize your time.

Effective time management is the key to productivity and peace of mind. Try these tips:

  • Use a planning tool to map out tasks, such as Google Docs (with checkable bullet points), Trello, or even a simple notebook.

  • Start with tasks that have hard deadlines, ensuring nothing critical slips through the cracks. Save the more fluid projects for the end of your workday or week.

  • Even amidst a busy, packed schedule, dedicating just 5-30 minutes each week to taking action on a long-term goal or aspiration (such as landing a job or starting your own business) can keep you moving forward. 

5. Take Care of Yourself

Your body and mind are inextricably linked. When working remotely, whether during the day or after a busy day of teaching, it’s important to take care of yourself physically. A healthy mind coincides with physical health. So if you want to cultivate a healthy teacher mindset, then you need to spend time on your overall health as well.

  • Don’t underestimate the power of hydration and movement throughout the day:

  • Drink plenty of water to keep your brain and body nourished.

  • Plan to move every 1-2 hours when working from your computer. Take a walk outside, do laps around your house, or put on some of your favorite music and dance! 

Even if you have 1,000 things to do, moving your body is crucial for your energy and focus. Set your body and mind up for success.

6. Make Time for Learning and Growing

Learning something new each week (or each day) helps feed your brain encouragement and gives you inspiration and momentum for progress and growth. Whether it's reading a book or article, taking an online course, or attending a workshop, continuous learning keeps your mind sharp and inspired.  

Committing to continuous learning is an impactful habit that can expand your personal and professional development. You can not only gain knowledge and skills but also connect with like-minded professionals and new opportunities. Forming these connections is one of the best ways to build a mindset for success outside the classroom.

7. Surround Yourself with Support and Laughter

Think about the people who uplift and support you. Surrounding yourself with positive, encouraging individuals can make all the difference as you go after what you want. Seek feedback and guidance from mentors to navigate challenges and make better decisions. 

Join professional communities and attend networking events to build your support system. Being part of professional communities, like the Educator Forever Network, and networking events opens doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

And don't forget to laugh – spending time with loved ones and sharing joyful moments can significantly boost your mood and overall well-being. (Research confirms this!)

Ready to find success in a fulfilling, rewarding career beyond the classroom?

Embracing these strategies can transform your mindset for success and propel you toward your goals and your success story. 

While reimagining your role as an educator is truly a journey, navigating it with the right support, resources, and network, helps you step into your power and confidently go after your dreams.

The Educator Forever Network is a course + community designed to help you successfully navigate your path beyond the classroom with clarity and confidence. 

We’ve helped thousands of teachers like you redefine their role as an educator and embrace what we call the 4 C’s on their path (Clarity, Confidence, Community, and Commitment) to successfully landing flexible new careers in education. And we’d love to help you do the same!

If you’re ready to expand your impact and income in education, join the Educator Forever Network, where you'll get:

✨ Our signature Beyond the Classroom Course (newly updated with the latest information and everything you need!) for step-by-step guidance and clarity as you navigate your career journey.

✨ Live empowering group calls each week, including our community calls, skills-based workshops, coworking sessions, educator wellness circles, and more.

✨ Access to our exclusive jobs boards with exciting new freelance, contract, part-time, and full-time job opportunities posted daily!

✨An inspiring community of like-minded educators who are passionate about expanding their impact and income in education.

Sign up now to confidently go after your career dreams and find success! We're cheering for you every step of the way!

Lily Jonesmindset