Making Money As a Teacher Beyond the Classroom

Tired of working long hours and not seeing adequate pay in return? Learn more about making money as a teacher beyond the classroom and discover how flexible education jobs can help you find financial freedom.

The visions we have for our lives as teachers often clash with the harsh reality we face. Constant work, limited time for family and friends, financial struggles… It all can be disheartening. 

You’re not alone if you find yourself working tirelessly, living paycheck to paycheck, and feeling trapped in your career.

Many teachers find themselves financially struggling. While advocating for higher teacher salaries is essential, the reality is that most teachers don’t have time for that, and we can’t simply wait around for change. 

It's important for teachers to take control of their financial destinies. From breaking free from financial stress to envisioning a new reality with education jobs outside the classroom, this blog post will guide you toward financial empowerment. 

The Current Reality of Making Money as a Teacher

Teachers deserve higher salaries, of course, but the unfortunate reality is that teacher salaries have stagnated for decades, pushing over 59% of teachers to take on side hustles unrelated to education (such as bartending, Uber, DoorDash, etc.).

Our Perspective at Educator Forever

Teachers bring invaluable experience and skills to the table and should be compensated for their expertise. Since teachers can’t wait around for teacher salaries to increase, we have to take control of our financial destinies, create opportunities, and build wealth.

There are so many jobs teachers can do besides teaching, especially in today’s digital world. If you want to make extra money as a teacher or start a whole new career, it is absolutely possible.

But teachers need to feel empowered to pursue flexible career pathways in education so they can expand their impact while building more sustainable and joy-filled lives. You can make extra money while still making a positive impact on education. You can leverage your many transferable skills and your expertise to achieve financial well-being.

It's time to shatter the notion that being an educator means perpetual financial struggle.

How to Overcome Obstacles and Make More Money as a Teacher:

Follow these tips to make more money as a teacher outside the classroom.

Shift Your Mindset and Embrace Your Transferable Skills: 

Break the "just a teacher" stigma. Many educators feel constrained by the perception that they are "just" teachers. 

As you shift this mindset, you’ll become more aware of the many diverse and valuable skills you have as an educator. Step into your confidence, leverage your skills, and own your power as an education expert.

Explore and Pursue Side Hustles To Gain Experience and Earn More Money: 

Whether you’re thinking of leaving teaching altogether (and you need to build your experience) or you’re looking to boost your income on the side, there are so many opportunities for you to work flexibly in education. 

When you hear the term “side hustle,” instead of thinking of it as hustling, hustling, hustling, think of it as building your experience. While the term "side hustle" is commonly used to describe this, remember that it's not about hustling to the point where you sacrifice your happiness.

Consider side hustles that align with your skills and interests. These could include:

With any of these, you can choose to freelance, take on contract jobs, or even start your own side education business.

Clarify (and Continually Revisit) Your Financial Goals: 

Set realistic financial goals, and create an actionable plan to achieve your goals, whether it’s to earn a certain amount of money monthly or by a certain date…or perhaps replace or surpass your teaching income. 

Uncertainty about income needs and strategies to meet them can feel daunting. So if your goal is to make money as a teacher beyond the classroom, try backward planning. If your goal is to make X amount of money extra each month, create an actionable weekly or monthly plan to help you stay on track. 

Consider Leaving the Classroom: 

One of the best ways to make more money beyond the classroom is to leave the classroom altogether. While leaving the classroom may not be the end goal for everyone, as you discover your passions and get clarity in this process, you’ll likely find fulfillment in certain paths. 

Perhaps you’ll leave teaching and pursue a full-time alternative career path within education. Remember that there’s no shame in this. You can reimagine your career as an educator… and still be an educator without necessarily being in the classroom.

Ready to transform your career and finances?

Earning more money doesn't have to involve unrelated side jobs. You can use the vast skills you have as an educator to work flexibly within the education sector. Embrace a new mindset, recognize your value, and navigate opportunities within education. 

This journey is ongoing, and the "how" takes time, but the rewards are worth the effort.

To take the guesswork away, get our How to Earn More as a Teacher course, which offers a structured approach to financial empowerment. You’ll get step-by-step guidance and practical strategies to help you transform your career and your finances.