Business Networking for Teachers Beyond the Classroom

A group of women talking and laughing while networking for teachers

Ready to expand your opportunities as a teacher beyond the classroom? Get our best tips on networking for teachers to help you reach your professional goals.

Whether you’re an educator starting your own business or you’re looking to work beyond the classroom, you’ve likely heard how networking is helpful and essential.

But let’s be honest… The idea of “networking” can feel a little uncomfortable at first. Many teachers think of networking as being corporate-like with suits and sales pitches.

The great news is that teacher networking is just another form of building relationships – the same skill you’ve mastered as an educator. Networking doesn’t have to feel awkward or “salesy” when approached in this way. 

Networking also doesn’t just happen at “official” networking events or formal gatherings. You can network anywhere – online, in person, during events, or even in casual conversations in your community. Sometimes the best connections come from the most unexpected places, and small, intentional interactions can lead to big opportunities.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into how to network as a teacher. And we’ll approach it in a way that’s authentic, relationship-focused, and sets you up for success.

Reframing Networking for Teachers

It’s easy to feel like networking is about pitching yourself (or your education business) or selling your products/services. But try to flip the narrative. Instead, think of networking as building relationships – just like you’ve done with your students, their parents, and your colleagues and school community. 

When you’re stepping beyond the classroom, you’re just expanding your circle and your network, whether that’s with potential clients, collaborators, mentors, etc.

Approach education networking events or conversations with the mindset of learning. Instead of thinking “How can I pitch myself or my business?” focus on, “What can I learn from this person or conversation?” Leading with curiosity and a genuine interest in others lets things flow more naturally.

6 Networking Tips for Teachers Leaving the Classroom

Once you’ve spent some time shifting your mindset around networking, it’s time to start connecting! Use these tips to build your own community of educators making an impact beyond the classroom.

Listening is Your Power

You might be thinking that you need to be an extrovert to network effectively, but guess what? Introverts are incredible networkers because they listen more than they talk, which is key in any conversation. 

You don’t have to “work the room” at events or put yourself in the spotlight to make valuable connections. Being genuinely curious about someone is one of the easiest ways to connect with someone.

Tips to try (especially if you’re an introvert!):

  • Research before the event or gathering: Look up key people attending the event or potential collaborators you’d like to connect with. This gives you a head start and helps ease anxiety.

  • Seek out one-on-one or smaller group conversations: You don’t have to shine in the most crowded parts of the room. Seek out smaller groups or one-on-one conversations where you can have more meaningful dialogue.

Lead with Your Passion

As an educator, your passion is likely at the core of what you do. So whether you’re creating a curriculum, launching an online tutoring business, or coaching other teachers, your “why” is a powerful tool in networking. When people know why you’re passionate about your work, they’ll be much more likely to connect with you on a deeper level.

Tip: When you’re introducing yourself or someone asks you what you do, don’t just say “I’m starting an education consulting business.” Instead, share your passion, saying something like: “I'm passionate about helping new teachers reduce their workload and focus on what really matters – teaching.” That will make you (and your business) both memorable and relatable.

Keep your Elevator Pitch Short and Authentic

Every education business owner or teacher pursuing work beyond the classroom needs a good elevator pitch. This is your chance to explain what your business does or what you do in a concise, impactful way. Don’t think of it as a sales pitch – think of it more as an introduction to start a conversation.

Here’s a simple elevator pitch framework for educators to get started:

  • Hook: Start with a question or interesting statement. “Have you ever wished there was a simpler way to find the right tutor for your child?” 

  • Problem: Briefly describe the challenge you’re addressing. “Over 80% of parents are seeking additional academic support for their children.” (Note: You don’t have to use a statistic — you can simply state the problem or challenge that people are facing.)

  • Solution: Explain how your business helps. “I created a local online platform that connects you with highly qualified tutors tailored to your child's unique requirements, whether they need help in math, science, or any other subject.”

  • Call to Action: End with an invitation to continue the conversation or connect further. “I’d love to chat more about how we can support parents and educators together – let’s stay in touch on LinkedIn!”

Tip: Keep it natural. You don’t need to memorize your pitch word-for-word to be successful with networking. Instead, aim for clarity and authenticity. Make it about your passion and the value you provide. 

Create Value in Your Interaction

Networking is a two-way street. Focusing on how you can help others – and not just what you can gain – is one of the best ways to build connections. This could be offering some advice, sharing a resource, introducing them to someone, or even just listening to their needs. When you lead with generosity, you’ll stand out in the crowd of people thinking mostly about what they can get. 

Tip: At your next networking event or conversation, try asking, “What’s a challenge you’re working through right now?” This can open the door to meaningful conversation and give you a chance to offer help or make connections.

Follow Up With Connections

Remember that successful networking involves following up. After meeting someone, you can send a quick email or LinkedIn message to thank them for their time and reference something specific that came up in your conversation.

Did they give you great advice or did you bond over a shared passion? Bringing up those details shows that you valued the conversation. For instance, “It was great meeting you. I loved your ideas about using project-based learning. Let’s stay in touch – I’d love to explore how we could collaborate.”

Tip: After following up, periodically check in with this connection, whether it’s to send a helpful resource, a relevant article, or just to check in and say hello. The goal is to build long-term relationships, and small gestures keep the relationship alive.

Authenticity Above Everything

While networking as an educator can feel like another item on your to-do list, remember it’s all about relationships. Just start a conversation and be authentic. People are drawn to those who are real, not perfect. Authenticity and vulnerability resonate with people and build trust. 

Be open about your interests, your challenges, and what you’re passionate about. When you’re real about your challenges, your journey, and what you care about, you’ll connect more deeply with others and make connections with people who align with your goals and values. Don’t be afraid to share why you started your business, the struggles you’ve overcome, or even what you’re still figuring out.

By leading with authenticity, curiosity, and a willingness to help others, you’ll grow your network and build a community of people who want to see you succeed. 

Ready to get more support in building your business and network with other education business owners?

Whether you’re an aspiring education business owner or you’re looking to scale your current business, join Educator Forever’s Education Business Foundations Program. It’s the ultimate networking opportunity for teachers leaving the classroom!

While many ideas and courses out there focus on business strategies, this program is uniquely designed for the education industry to give you everything you need to have a successful education business. 

In this high-impact, small-group program, you’ll not only gain critical business knowledge but also join a vibrant community of like-minded educators, ready to share insights, collaborate, and grow alongside you. 

You’ll walk away with:

✅ A thriving and growing email list

✅ A clear sense of your offers and product suite

✅ Knowledge of who your ideal clients are and how to reach them

✅ A plan for promoting your products and services on social media, through advertising, and beyond

✅ Confidence in selling and promoting yourself, along with guidance to bring in clients and revenue in a way that feels good to you

The program starts soon, and given the intimate, high-touch nature of the program, we have limited spots available. Sign up now to fast-track your success and build connections to take your business to the next level!