4 Steps to Achieving Your Goals As a Teacher Leaving the Classroom

Setting goals can be invigorating and exciting. But, dreaming about them and actually achieving them are two different things. Achieving goals as a teacher leaving the classroom can be even more challenging.

If you’re pursuing flexible career opportunities within education or building an education business, there are key things you can do to reach your goals. 

In this blog post, you’ll explore tips to help you on your path to a fulfilling and flexible future beyond the classroom. As you achieve goals, new possibilities unfold, and the path to a successful career transition becomes more possible. 

Why is Goal Setting for Teachers Leaving the Classroom So Important?

If you’re thinking about alternative careers for teachers, it’s probably because you’re looking to make a big change. Maybe you’re experiencing teacher burnout or maybe you’re in search of a way to make a bigger impact in education. Either way, it’s important to ensure your post-classroom moves are made in alignment with your values as an educator.

Setting clear goals before leaving the classroom– and keeping these in mind as you start working toward a new career– can help ensure you find work that is truly fulfilling and supports the lifestyle you want.

4 Steps to Achieve Your Goals as a Teacher Leaving the Classroom

1. Set clear, actionable goals.

Setting a measurable and attainable goal is critical. Whether it's transitioning to a new role in curriculum development, establishing an education consulting business, or pitching yourself to a specific organization, a well-defined goal provides direction and purpose. 

So start by clarifying your vision for the future. What do you aspire to achieve?

Ensure that your goals as a teacher leaving the classroom are not only specific, measurable, and realistic, but also resonate with your desired emotions. After all, it’s not the goals that spur us into action; it’s the intention behind them. Connecting to emotions creates a more holistic and purpose-driven approach to career goals. 

Since large goals can be overwhelming, break them down into smaller, achievable steps. Use due dates and backward planning to map out the steps necessary to achieve your goal. By breaking down goals into manageable steps, you can consider what needs to be learned or accomplished on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis.

For example: 

Goal: Transition out of the classroom and work remotely as a curriculum developer. (Your why/intent might be: You can’t continue with the unsustainable workload.)

Steps (or smaller sub-goals) could include: 

✔️ Update and revise your resume

✔️ Research/find remote flexible curriculum development job opportunities.

✔️ Enhance your curriculum development skills (through the Curriculum Development Foundations Program, for instance). 

This approach makes the journey more manageable and progress more tangible.

Set SMART Goals

Pro tip: Adopt the SMART goal-setting framework to ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

For example, a goal could be to complete a specific certification in curriculum development within three months, attend networking events monthly, or secure a remote position within 9 months. 

Set realistic timelines for achieving each goal to add a sense of urgency and accountability to your goal-setting process.

2. Prioritize and put in the effort.

When it comes to the consistent habits we need to adapt to meet our goals as teachers, that’s where many of us get off track. 

Exhaustion and overwhelm are common barriers to goal-setting for teachers, but what if you were to truly prioritize and give it your all?

While many search for a quick fix or a magical solution, the reality is that success comes from a commitment to your dreams, one step at a time. Prioritizing your goal(s) and putting in the effort is where dreams start transforming into reality.

It’s simple yet challenging: Take consistent action every day. 

Remember, the only way to fail is to give up.

3. Monitor your progress

Regularly monitor your progress toward each goal and celebrate small victories and milestones along the way. Acknowledging achievements, no matter how small, reinforces your commitment to the journey and provides motivation to tackle the next steps and finish what you start.

Moving from the classroom to a freelance job for teachers, a flexible remote job or even starting an education business can be a long road with lots of ups and downs. If you don’t celebrate the ups along the way, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged by the downs. 

4. Surround yourself with inspiration and believe in the possibility.

Embarking on the journey towards your goals as a teacher leaving the classroom becomes more rewarding and possible when you’re surrounded by inspiring people actively bringing their dreams to life. 

Imagine being part of a community that believes in the possibility of success and actively works towards it. A community of like-minded educators such as the Educator Forever Network can help you gain the confidence, skills, and resources you need to make your dreams a reality.

Networking is a powerful strategy in any career transition. Consider setting goals (or sub-goals) for expanding your professional network by attending events, joining online communities, and connecting with professionals who have successfully transitioned from the classroom. 

Mentorship and guidance can provide valuable insights, and mentor advice and support can be instrumental in navigating your career shift or starting your own education business. Cultivating a diverse network opens doors to valuable insights and potential opportunities. Remember that who you surround yourself with matters.

When achieving your goals, you can choose between perceiving your dreams as unattainable or achievable. Believe in the possibility of your dreams, and let the journey unfold, one intentional step at a time.

Ready to reach your goals?

If you’re ready to prioritize, commit, and surround yourself with those who inspire, join us in the Educator Forever Network

We've helped thousands of teachers like you embrace their purpose, reimagine their role as an educator, and successfully land flexible new careers. We’d love to help you do the same! 

By joining the Educator Forever Network, you'll get support both setting and achieving your goals in an inspiring community. Sign up now!